Sunday, January 26, 2020

Fog Means Danger

I was jogging on the beach this semi-sunny Saturday afternoon after a foggy morning,

after a Friday night of fog so dense that there was haze between my back door and my garage.

Saturday night was again extremely foggy.

On Sunday morning I drove from Santa Monica to Claremont, surrounded by dense fog all the way.

At 9:45 am my friend and I arrived in Claremont for a worship service of our Women-Church group.

Sheriff and fire helicopters were grounded, but one helicopter got clearing for special VFR flying.  It was Kobe Bryant's helicopter.

I heard the news when I turned on the radio after dropping my friend off at her home.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Rainbows and the Gift of Life

What does a rainbow mean?


God's promise to Noah?

LGBTQ rights?

All people together, of every color?

This lifeguard station is on Venice Beach, just south of Santa Monica.

I felt happiness passing this station while jogging on Santa Monica Beach on the Saturday before the crash of Kobe Bryant's helicopter.

Cherish each day.  Cherish life.